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Free Photos (Public Domain Photos),stock Photos, Clipart, images, and Vectors

A large Public Domain photo repository with high resolution free photos and vectors. All copyright free stock photos and royalty free photos, and CC0 Photos. 27000 free and public domain photos, images, clipart, pics and vectors and counting. To view/download a photo in high resolution, please click on the image.

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Autumn river birch tree. Birch branches over the river in the autumn forest. Autumn forest river landscape. Birch tree by autumn river
Amazonia. Sunset view seen from the kayak. Coati Lagoon near the Javari River, the tributary of the Amazon River. Selva on the border of Brazil and Peru. South America.
Caves Road - Margaret River - Western Australia
Birch Trees
Tree bark boat at river during summer, bright day light. Sail boat made of tree bark and green leaf. Playing with handmade toy boat at river.
The exfoliating (peeling) bark of Dura Heat river birch (Betula n.i.g.r.a