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A large Public Domain photo repository with high resolution free photos and vectors. All copyright free stock photos and royalty free photos, and CC0 Photos. 27000 free and public domain photos, images, clipart, pics and vectors and counting. To view/download a photo in high resolution, please click on the image.

Free Photos (Public Domain Photos),stock Photos, Clipart, images, and Vectors

A large Public Domain photo repository with high resolution free photos and vectors. All copyright free stock photos and royalty free photos, and CC0 Photos. 27000 free and public domain photos, images, clipart, pics and vectors and counting. To view/download a photo in high resolution, please click on the image.

Nikon Mirrorless Back Button Layout

Nikon Rumors have just published a picture of what the back button layout of Nikon's new Mirrorless Camera will look like. I have to say, I'm a little disappointed that they moved the column of buttons on the left to other spaces because I found those button positions to be extremely easy to use.

Canon Mirrorless Camera Rumors

Sony has two great mirror-less full-frame Cameras out. Nikon is going to announce two on August 23rd, but what Canon is doing is still a mystery. There are professionals out in the field testing the Canon Cameras but there have been no leaks yet. There are rumored to be two models coming out, a flagship model which will compete with the Sony A7RIII and a lower mode, designed to compete with the Sony A7III. It is rumored that the flagship model will had the same resolution as the 5D Mark IV, which would be a mistake since both Nikon's mirrorless flag and the A7RIII are going to have close to 50% more megapixels, putting Canon on the backfoot. The new Canon Mirrorless Flagship should have 40+mp to compete. Second is what mount Canon should go with. Here they have three options. Stick with the EF mount that all their DSLR cameras use, go with the already existing M mount, or design a whole new mount. If it were me, I'd stick with the EF mount because its still very good today and is big enough for Canon to build fast Lenses and features into. Unlike the Nikon F-Mount which has not been changed from the 1950s, the EF Mount was introduced in the 1980s and so does not have some of the problems the F-Mount does. If they go with the M-mount or build a new mount, they will be lagging behind Sony in the Native glass department by several years.

Photography copyright cases, what do you think?

Three decision handed down by judges lately have impacted freelance photographers. Two that are pro photographers and one that is against. This video below discusses my thoughts on each of these decisions and the damages awarded.

Tamron to release 17-35mm, $600 Wide-angel Lens for Canon and Nikon

Tamron announced it was making a 17-35mm lens for Canon and Nikon with the sticker price of $600. The Nikon version will be released in September while the Canon version will follow later. There are no known plans yet for a Sony version. While Tamron offer excellent quality with a much lower sticker price than Nikon or Canon lenses, there is the worry of how it will work with the new adapters to the mirrorless mounts that Canon and Nikon are soon coming out with.

Nikon New Mount Sneak Peak Video and Discussion

Nikon released another teaser video based on its new mount. For the first half it shows Nikon's innovations starting with their first DSLR camera and flows through the generations of Cameras. The last half of the video shows their mirrorless camera's front side and the new mount. It looks like the Camera resembles a Fuji rather than a Sony and the mount is a big one.

Canon is #1 in Mirrorless Sales and Japan, what Sony and Nikon need to do

Canon's M50 has made Canon the leading mirrorless camera in Japan with Canon even having a full-frame lineup of mirrorless cameras. There are two features that Canon has that many of its competitors don't. A flippy screen and a good touchscreen interface. Sony and Nikon can take some lessons.

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