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A wide selection of Sichuan food
Jiuzhaigou Valley, Aba Qiang and Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province - beautiful lakes and mountains under the blue sky
Jiuzhaigou, Sichuan, China, Asia - 09 22 2011: landscape natural view of the  Valley National Park with its amazing turquoise pond with clear water and trees ans buses mountains hills in china chinese
Chinese prickly ash fruits closeup on natural background,the causal skin has small protruding oil spots resembling flowers, hence the name "Sichuan pepper"
Jiuzhaigou Valley, Aba Qiang and Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province - beautiful lakes and mountains under the blue sky
Famous tourist attraction in China - Sichuan Siguniang Snow Mountain

Sichuan in a large province in southwest China that is rich in history. People of Sichuan speak a unique dialect of Mandarin developed during the Ming Dynasty.