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Little stream in the cloudy landscape (529/598)
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Little stream in the cloudy landscape (529/598)

Free Photos > USA Photos > Wisconsin Photos > Southern Wisconsin Photos > Little stream in the cloudy landscape (529/598)

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A white egret hunts tranquilly in shallow wetland waters while another soars overhead. Lake Richmond and its streams create a picturesque landscape under a sunny, breezy, partly cloudy October sky.
A white egret hunted in the shallow waters of a wetland, while Lake Richmond and its streams and wetlands formed a picturesque landscape under a sunny, breezy, and partly cloudy October sky.
A white egret hunts tranquilly in shallow wetland waters while another soars overhead. Lake Richmond and its streams create a picturesque landscape under a sunny, breezy, partly cloudy October sky.
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Free Photos > USA Photos > Wisconsin Photos > Southern Wisconsin Photos > Little stream in the cloudy landscape (529/598)

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Free Photo of Little stream in the cloudy landscape.

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